How to draw Snoopy ~ Tutorial Tuesday

Today I’m going to show you how to draw one of the most recognizable and icon cartoon characters of all time. Snooopy.

He is actually pretty simple to draw, even if you’ve never drawn before. Just follow these simple steps. You can draw from your imagination, but using a reference photo is the best way to go.

Step 1 Construction. Always start your drawing with a construction layer. Snoopy is based on three ovals.

Step 2. Sketch. Checking your reference photo, or imagination, sketch snoopy. Use your ovals from step 1 as guidelines.

Step 3. Ink over the sketch. Now, use your pen or pencil to draw your final over your sketch from Step 2. Don’t forget to add any cool details.

Congrats! You’ve now drawn your own Snoopy! I’d love to see your work too!

Until next time!

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